About the Show

The “True Crime News” newsroom is up and running with senior staff that includes investigative journalists from some of the biggest crime shows of the year, including, “Scamanda” and “The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson,” as well as an award-winning news-gathering staff and producers from ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and VICE.

Hosted by award-winning journalist and host of “True Crime News: The Podcast” Ana Garcia, “True Crime News” will deliver 52 weeks of original programming with breaking crime stories and fresh updates on developing crime stories, including murder mysteries, cold cases, missing persons, fugitives and scams.

“True Crime News” is one of the only true-crime shows in syndication that is able to jump on news as it happens. With the news pedigree of its staff, and the help of its affiliates’ newsrooms, no other show in daytime can bring this type of programming in this way.

With 3.1 billion digital views in our established true crime community and over 30-million annual podcast downloads, “True Crime News” marks one of the first times a true crime show has launched in syndication with such a powerful digital footprint.