About the Show

We love Hollywood, we just have a funny way of showing it.

Breaking the biggest stories in celebrity and entertainment news. Get exclusive access to the latest stories, photos, and video as only TMZ can. We go where stars work, live, and play, taking you into a world where the reality is even more fascinating than the hype. We bring accuracy, irreverent humor and youthful energy—providing a fresh, unvarnished, and honest take on celebrities and their real lives.

Are you wondering what TMZ means? It originated in the 1960's, when due to the growth of location shoots, studios established a “thirty mile zone” to monitor rules for filming in Hollywood. The center of the zone was the offices of The Association of Motion Pictures and Television Producers, formerly at West Beverly and La Cienega Boulevards in Los Angeles. TMZ reinvented the thirty mile zone to bring you premiere entertainment news.